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AIG Travel Insurance Grand Lucky Draw - Winner List

獎品 Prize 保單持有人 Policy Holder
Apple iPhone 15 Pro 128GB  LEONG PUI WAN
Apple iPhone 15 Plus 128GB  SOU LAI CHENG
Apple iPhone 15 128GB  LEONG KAI IP
iPad Air 6 13" 128GB  FAN KENG IAO
Apple Watch Ultra 2  LOU KAM LEONG
iPad Air 6 11" 128GB  IP SAO MUN
OTO Ultra Foot Plus足部按摩器  SAM KA MENG
OTO 3D頸背鬆 Plus  CHAU KAN
Apple Watch Series 9  CHEANG SIO CHU
Apple Watch SE  HOI KAM FONG
AirPods Pro 2  CHAN IENG HA
 OTO QHug 肩頸鬆  U MAN IAN
AirPods 3  LO KUN HON
AirPods 2  HOI HIO KAN
獎品 Prize 保單持有人 Policy Holder
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  CHAN POU CHI
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  LO SI IO
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  FAN IN LENG
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  LIO HOK KENG
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  LEI MEI LIN TERESA
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  LEI MIO I
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  MOK IAO
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  CHIO SOK IAN
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  CHEONG LAI CHENG
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  HO HONG SENG
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  TAM WENG TONG
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  KONG IOC LENG
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  VONG HANG PENG
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  CHAO WAI MEI
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  LONG CHEOK KEI
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  HONG PUI WA
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  LEI CHI SAM
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  LAM KA HENG
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  CHEANG SI WAI
Godiva Voucher(MOP100)  MAK KIT MAN
獎品 Prize 保單持有人 Policy Holder
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  IEONG LEONG LEONG
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  CHE SEONG MENG
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  HUANG SHIXIN
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  NG HONG TOU
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  TAN CHONG YAN BAUTISTA
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  YU YIU CHUNG JOE
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  WONG UT FONG
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  SOU NGA LEONG
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  KOU SAMMY
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  CHU WAI LENG
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  SOU MENG LAM
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  FAN UN TENG
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  LAM CHENG HA
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  KOK MENG CHI
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  HA WENG CHI
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  LIO CHON HIN
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  KOU CHI LEONG
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  HOI MAN HOU
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  UN CHENG LEONG
Royal Supermarket Voucher(MOP100)  LAU PUI KEI

Terms and Conditions for Travel Direct Plus (Macau) Product Campaign

1. The AIG Travel Insurance Grand Lucky Draw (the ‘Lucky Draw’) shall run from 15 Jun 2024 to 31 Aug 2024 (both dates inclusive) (the ’Promotion Period‘).

2. This promotion only counts 'Travel Direct Insurance Plus' that is successfully issued and premium paid during the promotion period from Jun 15, 2024 to Aug 31, 2024 (both dates inclusive) plan.

3. The Lucky Draw is applicable for the Company’s AIA agents and Individual agents (the 'Agents') purchase new policies of Single Trip Plan or Annual Plan ’Travel Direct Insurance Plus‘ in platform MOTIS (the 'Designated Plans‘).

4. The Designated Plans are underwritten by AIG Insurance Hong Kong Limited (Macau Branch) (’the Company‘). The Company reserves the right of final approval to the insurance plan application.

5. Anyone who successfully insures any of the company's designated plans through an agent will be issued a policy with a policy number. Such policy number represents one lucky draw entry. The Company will draw the winner for each of the prizes based on the policy number. The winner will be the agent of the respective policy. The Agent will be given the prize as in accordance with paragraph 5 below.

6. Each winner will receive a prize.

7. This Lucky Draw is not applicable if the premium of the Designated Plan(s) which is/are not settled before the date of lucky draw held or cancelled before the date of lucky draw held.

8. All Lucky Draw prizes will be drawn randomly by a computer system. 

9. The lucky draw will be held on 31 Oct 2024. Result of the lucky draw will be announced and posted at on 18 Nov 2024.  The Company shall have the right to publish the full names and the last 3 digits of the policy numbers of the winners. 

10. The Company will notify the winner to collect prizes by e-mail (if email address is provided) on 18 Nov 2024. Winner(s) is/are required to collect the prizes in office hours at AIG Macao Branch  ( Address: Unit 506, 5th Floor, AIA Tower, No 251A - 301, Avenida Comercial de Macau) on a specific date designated by the Company. If the winner(s) cannot be contacted on or before 18 November 2024 or the winner does not collect the prize on or before 31 December 2024, the Company reserves the right to allocate the prize to the next winner (The alternative winner) without further notice.

11. The Company will notify the alternative winner(s)(if applicable) before 10 Jan 2025 and the alternative winner(s) is/are required to collect the prizes in office hours at AIG Macao Branch  (Address: Unit 506, 5th Floor, AIA Tower, No 251A - 301, Avenida Comercial de Macau ) before 31 Jan 2025.

12. The Company will notify the agents for the prize redemption arrangement not later than 31 December 2024. The agent must be registered at the Company at the time they collect the prize.

13. Winners of the Lucky Draw may be required to participate in a photo taking session when they collect the prize at the office of the Company or at the designated location.  Winners shall be deemed to have agreed to participate and have authorized the Company to use their photos taken at the Company or designated locations for promotional purposes, to allow the Company and its appointed service provider to use their personal details for communication purposes of the Lucky Draw.

14. Employees of the Company are not eligible to participate in the Lucky Draw.

15. The prize cannot be changed, transferred, or exchanged for cash or any other products / services. 

16. Pictures of the prizes are for reference only.  The Company is not the supplier of the prizes. Any enquiry or complaint regarding the prizes redeemed by/ service relating thereto should be directed to the supplier. The Company assumes no responsibility / liability in respect thereof.

17. The Company reserves the right to verify the identity of the winners again after the publication of the results of the Lucky Draw.

18. These terms and conditions are related to the Lucky Draw only and no reference has been made to any coverage of the Designated Plans. For the coverage and other details of the Designated Plans, please refer to the relevant brochure and policy. For enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at (853) 28355602 (Mon to Fri 8:45am – 1:00pm, 2:30pm-5:30pm, except Public Holiday).

19. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Company shall be final and conclusive. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.


1. 「美亞旅遊保險大激賞」(「抽獎」) 是由2024年6月15日至2024年8月31日止 (包括首尾兩日) (「推廣期」) 。

2. 此優惠僅適用於推廣期間2024年6月15日至2024年8月31日(含首尾兩天)成功簽發及繳付保費的「新伴您遨遊旅遊保險」計畫。

3. 此抽獎適用於推廣期內為客戶於MOTIS平台投保新的美亞「新伴您遨遊旅遊保險」單次及全年保障計劃(「指定計劃 」)之友邦業務代理及個人業務代理(「業務代理」)。

4. 指定計劃由美亞保險香港有限公司(澳門分行)(「本公司」)承保。本公司保留最終批核投保申請的權利。

5. 任何透過業務代理成功投保指定計劃的投保人都將獲得一份帶有保單編號的保單。每保單號碼代表一次抽奬機會。本公司會用保單號碼作各項奬品抽奬之用。得獎者為該保單之業務代理,詳列於第5點。

6. 得奬者可得獎品一份。

7. 如保單於抽奬日或之前仍未繳交保費或取消指定計劃,即視為無效。

8. 獎品將以電腦系統隨機抽出獲獎之保單號碼。

9. 抽奬會於2024年10月31日舉行。抽奬結果會於2024年11月18日刊登於 本公司有權於結果公佈上刊登得獎者之全名及保單號碼尾三位數字。

10. 本公司會於2024年11月18日以電郵(如業務代理有提供電郵)形式通知得奬者領奬。得奬者必須於2024年11月18日至2024年12月31日於辦公時間內親臨本公司辦事處澳門商業大馬路 251A - 301號友邦保險大廈五樓506室領取奬品。如得奬者於2024年11月18日或之前未能確認安排領奬或於2024年12月31日或之前未領取奬品,本公司會保留發放此奬品予另一位得奬者(候補得奬者) 而無須給予通知。

11. 本公司會於2025年1月10日前以電郵通知候補得奬者(如適用) , 並請候補得奬者於2025年1月31日前於辦公時間內親臨本公司辦事處澳門商業大馬路 251A - 301號友邦保險大廈五樓506室領取奬品。  

12. 本公司會於2024年12月31日前通知獲獎業務代理有關領獎安排。所有領獎前已終止合約之業務代理將不獲派發獎賞。

13. 得奬者於本公司或指定地點領奬時會被安排參予拍照活動。得奬者需出席及同意本公司使用其領奬相片作宣傳推廣之用,及同意本公司或活動承辦商使用其個人資料作通知領奬事宜。

14. 本公司員工不得參加此抽奬。

15. 獎品不可更換、轉換或退款。

16. 抽獎的宣傳圖片只供參考,本公司並非奬品的供應商。如對奬品或相關的產品或服務有何查詢或投訴,請直接與有關供應商聯絡,本公司對此不承擔任何責任/法律責任。                                           

17. 公佈抽奬结果後,本公司有權再次核實得奬者身份。

18. 本推廣優惠條款及細則僅提供此抽獎之詳情、條款及細則,並未提及的任何保障範圍,有關指定計劃的承保範圍及其他詳情,請參閱其簡介及保單條款。如有任何查詢,請致電美亞保險客戶服務熱線 (853)28355602(星期一至星期五上午8:45至下午1:00,下午2:30至下午5:15(公眾假期除外) 。

19. 如有任何糾紛,將以本公司的最終決定為準。中英文版本如有任何歧異,概以英文版本為準。