Claims Procedure & Forms
If you need to file an Automobile Insurance claim, you should notify your agent, broker or us immediately. You should submit a completed Claim Form as soon as possible but not later than eight days from the date of the accident, together with all relevant documents.
Requirements & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
For damage to your own vehicle:
- An estimate of repair costs. You should submit the estimate for our approval before making any repair
- Copy of vehicle registration documents (both side)
- Copy of the vehicle operator's driving license
- Copy of the vehicle operator's ID Card
- Police report and a rough sketch of the accident
For a claim involving third party:
- Details of the third party including name, ID Card number, telephone number, address, vehicle registration number, brand and model of vehicle, motor insurer and policy numbers, if available
- The name and address of any witnesses
- Do not admit liability or make any settlement with any third party without our prior written consent
For theft of car:
- Please submit police report
B. Useful Notes
- Always report a traffic accident to the police
- Following the accident, you should forward to us without delay all communications you received from the police or any other party unacknowledged and without admission of any liability
Travel and Personal Accident & Health Care
In the event of loss, written notice of claim should be given to us within thirty (30) days after the occurrence , together with all relevant documents.
Requirements & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- You should fill in the related claim form
- In order to help us to deal with your claims, you should provide all the supporting documents to substantiate your claim. Complete documentation will prevent the delay in your claim assessment as additional time may be required to obtain the requisite information (Please click here for the guidelines on documents required under different coverage)
- Upon receipt of sufficient documents, we will assess your claim accordingly. The result of your claim submission will be sent to you soon
B. Overseas Emergency Needs
- If you are traveling overseas and require emergency assistance because of a sickness or an injury, you can contact 24-hour Travel Guard Assistance Hotline at +852 3516 8699 by collect call anytime anywhere in the world for assistance.
- Please provide the following information when calling (if you are unable to call, please ask a family member, colleague or third party to assist):
- Your policy number
- Your name
- Your current location
- Describe your condition or symptoms and the nature of the assistance that you require
- Base upon the information you provide, medical advice and assistance will be provided over the phone. If your medical condition is judged to be medically necessary and appropriate for a move to another location for medical treatment, or to return to Macau (for Macau residents), we will arrange for the evacuation utilizing the means best suit to do so, according to the severity of your medical condition.
If you need to file a Household Insurance claim, please notify your agent, broker or us immediately. You should submit a completed Claim Form to us as soon as possible and provide all relevant documents within thirty (30) days of the loss.
Requirements & Notes:
Documents / information required for claims submission:
Damage to or loss of buildings, contents and personal effects and valuables:
- Incident report or letter issued by your building manager certifying that the loss occurred on the insured premises and the cause of the loss
- Original purchase receipts of the properties lost or damaged
- An estimate of repair costs. You should submit the estimate for our approval before making any repair
- Photographs of the damage. Digital photographs are acceptable
- Police report (only for loss caused by theft, burglary or robbery)
Please Note:
- In the event of loss by burglary, robbery or theft, report to the police within 24 hours and provide a copy of the police report
- Because an on-site survey may be required, do not dispose of any damaged item(s) unless we have agreed in writing for you to do so. The disposal of damaged item(s) without our authorization may result in the rejection of your claim.
Third party legal liability:
- Incident report or letter issued by your building manager certifying that the accident occurred on the insured premises
- Details of the third party including name, ID Card number, telephone number, and address, if available
- The name and address of any witnesses
- All relevant writs, summons, correspondence and documents from any third party. Do not acknowledge or respond.
Please Note: Do not admit liability or make any settlement with any third party without our prior written consent
Domestic Worker
If you need to file a Domestic Worker Insurance claim, you should notify your agent, broker or us immediately. You should submit a completed Claim Form as soon as possible, together with all relevant documents.
Requirements & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
Employees' compensation:
- Employees’ Compensation Insurance Claim Form
- Copy of employee register or Social Security Fund contribution lists
- Injured worker’s identity card copy and work permit copy (if applicable)
- Sick leave certificates
- Medical receipts
Surgical and hospitalization:
- Medical reports
- Medical receipts
Repatriation expense:
- Medical reports
- Original payment receipt for repatriation expenses
Personal effects
- Original purchase receipts for the properties lost or damaged
- An estimate on repair costs. You should submit the estimate for our prior approval before making any repair
- Photographs of the damaged articles. Digital photographs are acceptable
- Police reports (only for loss caused by theft, burglary or robbery)
Fidelity coverage:
- Original purchase receipts of the properties lost or damaged
- Police reports
Clinical expenses
- Medical receipts
- Medical certificate
Dental expenses:
- Medical receipts
- Medical certificate
Domestic worker liability:
- Details of the third party including name, ID card number, telephone number, and address, if possible
- The name and address of any witnesses
- All relevant writs, summons, correspondence and documents from any third party. Do not acknowledge or respond
- Do not admit liability or make any settlement with any third party without our prior written consent
If you need to file a Golf Insurance claim, please contact your agent, broker or us immediately. You should submit a completed Claim Form to us as soon as possible and provide all relevant documents within thirty (30) days of the loss.
Requirements & Notes:
Documents / information required for claims submission
Third party legal liability:
- Confirmation letter issued by the golf club certifying that the accident occurred while you were playing or practicing on any regulated golf course
- Details of the third party including name, ID Card number, telephone number, and address, if available
- The name and address of any witnesses
- Police report, if any
- All relevant writs, summons, correspondence and documents from any third party. Do not acknowledge or respond
Please Note: Do not admit liability or make any settlement with any third party without our prior written consent
Damage to or loss of golf equipment and personal effects:
- Confirmation letter issued by the golf club certifying that the loss occurred at their premises
- Original purchase receipts of the items lost or damaged
- An estimate of repair costs. You should submit the estimate for our approval before making any repair
- Police report (only for loss caused by theft, burglary or robbery)
Please Note:
- In the event of loss due to theft, burglary or robbery, report to the golf club and police within 24 hours. Retain a copy of the police report
- Because an on-site survey may be required, do not dispose of any damaged items unless we have agreed in writing for you to do so. The disposal of damaged items without our authorization may result in the rejection of your claim
“Hole-in-one” claim:
- Copy of “Hole-in-one” certificate issued by the golf club
- The original payment receipt for one treat of hospitality which should take place within thirty (30) days of the “Hole-in-one”
24-hour personal accident cover:
- Confirmation letter issued by the golf club certifying that the accident occurred while you were there
- Medical reports
Corporate Travel and Accident & Health Care
In the event of loss, written notice of claim should be given to us within thirty (30) days after the occurrence , together with all relevant documents.
Requirments & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- Fill in the related claim form
- In order to help us to deal with your claims, you should provide all the supporting documents to substantiate your claim. Complete documentation will prevent the delay in your claim assessment as additional time may be required to obtain the requisite information (Please click here for the guidelines on documents required under different coverage)
- Upon receipt of sufficient documents, we will assess your claim accordingly. The result of your claim submission will be sent to you as soon as possible.
B. Overseas Emergency Needs
- If you are traveling overseas and require emergency assistance because of a sickness or an injury, you can contact AIG's 24-hour Travel Guard Assistance Hotline at +852 3516 8699 by collect call anytime anywhere in the world.
- Please provide the following information when calling:
- Your policy number
- Your company name
- Your name
- Your current location
- Describe your condition or symptoms and the nature of the assistance that you require
(If you are unable to call, please ask a family member, colleague or third party to assist.
- Based upon the information you provide, medical advice and assistance will be provided over the phone. If your medical condition is judged to be medically necessary and appropriate for a move to another location for medical treatment, or to return to Macau (for Macau residents), we will arrange for the evacuation utilizing the most suitable means, according to the severity of your medical condition.
Directors and Officers Liability Protection
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Professional Liability
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Financial Institutions Liability
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Maine Cargo
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Requirements & Notes
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- Your insurance policy or certificate or monthly declaration, whichever is applicable
- The commercial invoice, packing list, B/L (MAWB/HAWB) with terms and conditions
- If we do not assign a surveyor, you should provide an incident/survey report or photographs to demonstrate the damage. Digital photographs are acceptable and can be sent to us via email
- Copy of claim letter addressed to liable party (airline/forwarder/shipping company) (Please click here for claim letter sample)
- Statement of claim/salvage value/repair cost, if applicable
- Delivery documents with exceptions duly marked -- quantity/weight/description of cargo damage
- Other documents and/or information, if required
B. Criteria of measuring loss
- Verification that coverage was in force at the time of loss
- Verification that the claimant has insurable interest
- Verification that the peril is covered by the policy
- Verification that you have taken reasonable steps to minimize the loss
- Verification that all policy conditions and warranties have been complied with
- Verification that no exclusions apply
- Verification that the value of the loss is reasonable
- Verification that the loss is above the policy excess/deductible
C. Useful Notes
Goods damaged or missing while taking delivery
- When you accept delivery, the goods and/or carrying container(s), as well as container seals should be externally examined at the site. If there are visible signs of damage, do not sign a clean receipt. You should note any visible or likely damage on the receipt and immediately inform the carriers in writing of their liability. (Please click here for claim letter sample) You should then advise your insurance agent, broker, us, or the surveyor named in the insurance certificate, and provide copies of cargo receipts, loss notifications, and correspondence between you and the carrier and/or the carrier's agents.
When goods have been delivered without any apparent external irregularities, they should be unpacked as soon as possible and you should check for any concealed loss or damage. If loss or damage is discovered, document this, if possible, with digital photographs. Retain all shipping containers and packing materials for later inspection and documentation.
When your claim involves water-damage, you and/or the consignee should separate the damaged goods from the undamaged goods as soon as possible to prevent further water damage. - Should an entire package go missing, the delivery receipt must be marked accordingly. Also secure other substantiating evidence from the forwarder or carrier and inform them in writing without delay of the loss. Include in this communication your intention to hold the forwarder or carrier liable for the loss. (Please click here for claim letter sample) Do not sign a clean receipt if there are any irregularities or suspected irregularities. If you are required to sign a receipt, clearly describe the irregularities in writing on the receipt next to your signature.
- If damage or loss occurs during the transit, a claim letter should be filed. Written notice of loss should be given to the carrier or forwarder or the carrier's local representative within three (3) days (by sea) or fourteen (14) days (by air) of cargo delivery. (Please click here for claim letter sample)
- At all times, it is your duty to take reasonable measures to avert or minimize the loss amount and to ensure that all rights against carriers, bailees or other third party are properly preserved and exercised.
D. Appointment of surveyors
- If the loss amount does not exceed US$2,500, no survey is necessary. You need only to provide photographs that demonstrate the severity and extent of the damage. Be sure your photographs record both the external damage to the packaging and the interior damage to the cargo.
- When the loss amount (as opposed to the affected cargo value) exceeds US$2,500, a survey is necessary. Please report such damage to our office without delay. We will assign a surveyor and pay the survey fee.
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Requirements & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- A completed claim form with a full description of the incident
- Photographs showing the extent of the damage; and the point of entry into and exit from the premises (for burglary claims only). Digital photographs are acceptable
- The original loss/damage report from the police or other relevant authorities, including the report reference number and the address of police station or issuing authority, if available
- Original supporting documents showing the value of the lost or damaged
item(s) - The original repair quotation(s), if the damaged property can be repaired
- The original purchase receipt(s) and replacement quotation(s), if the damaged property needs to be replaced
B. Useful Notes
- Please retain all damaged property available for our inspection upon our request.
Energy includes Machinery Breakdown, Contractors' All Risks/Erection All Risks and Electronic Equipment
Machinery Breakdown
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Requirements & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- A completed claim form with a full description of the incident
- Cause investigation report issued by the authorized contractor who maintains the machine
- Photographs showing the extent of the damage. Digital photographs are acceptable
- Model and specifications of the machine
- Original supporting documents showing the value of the damaged machine or its part(s)
- The original repair quotation(s), if the damaged machine can be repaired
- The original purchase receipt(s) and replacement quotation(s), if the damaged machine needs to be replaced
B. Useful Notes
- Please retain all damaged machine/parts available for our inspection upon our request.
Electronic Equipment
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Requirements & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- A completed claim form with a full description of the incident
- Photographs showing the extent of the damage; and the point of entry into and exit from the premises (for burglary claims only). Digital photographs are acceptable
- The original loss/damage report from the police or other relevant authorities, including the report reference number and the address of police station or issuing authority (if available)
- Original supporting documents showing the value of the lost or damaged equipment or its parts
- The original repair quotation(s), if the damaged equipment can be repaired
- The original purchase receipt(s) and replacement quotation(s), if the damaged equipment needs to be replaced
B. Useful Notes
- Please retain all damaged equipment/parts available for our inspection upon our request
Contractors' All Risks/Erection All Risks
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Requirements & Notes:
Section 1 - Contract Works
Following an incident that results in loss or damage that may give rise to a claim, the Site Manager or person responsible for site administration should immediately notify your agent, broker or us.
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- A description of the cause of loss, i.e. typhoon, rainstorm, driver error, mechanical failure, third party or other cause
- Photographs of the accident scene, including the damage sustained, and any remedial repair work. These photographs should be taken as soon as possible after the incident and periodically during the course of repair work. Digital photographs are acceptable
- Sketch plans, as applicable
- ”Daily allocation of labour” and ”Daywork” sheets, documenting:
- Labour
- Categories of labour
- Number of hours worked and hourly rates
- Overtime and bonus payments
- Plant utilization, identifying the type of plant, number of hours worked and rate, and whether self owned or hired in. Standby time should be recorded separately
- Material, equipment and spare parts to be substantiated by purchase invoices
B. Useful Notes
- If design, material, or workmanship failure is suspected or the damage is caused by a third party, retain all damaged items for examination by us or our representatives
- If the loss or damage is the result of a criminal act, such as burglary, robbery, theft or malicious damage, it should be reported to the police. You should obtain a copy of the police report and provide us the reference number of the report together and the address of the police office
Section 2 – Third Party Liability
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- You should provide us as soon as possible with accurate details of the accident to the fullest extent you can
- The contractor should immediately identify and obtain details of all employees and/or witnesses who were present at the time of the occurrence
- Police report number and a copy of statements given by your employees to the police, if any
- Photographs of the accident scene. Digital photographs are acceptable
- Gather and retain as much evidence as possible, providing this does not cause further damage or danger
B. Useful Notes
- Report any accident involving personal injury to the police promptly
- The contractor should not undertake repairs to third party property, except in emergency situations. No repairs should be made without our prior approval or the approval of our representative
- The contractor should immediately forward to us, unanswered, all letters or notices of claim from third party, or any writ, summons, proceedings, impending prosecution or inquest received
- The contractor should not admit liability, assume any obligation, or make any offer or payment without our prior written consent
Casualty includes Employees' Compensation, Products Liability and Public Liability
Employees' Compensation
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Documents / information required for claims submission
- You should complete and submit the Original Employees’ Compensation Insurance Claim Form to our claims department together with the following:
- Documents Checklist
- Original sick leave certificate(s) with diagnosis
- Original medical expenses receipt(s) with diagnosis, if any
- Medical report, if any;
- Copy of employee register or Social Security Fund contribution lists;
- Injured worker’s identity card copy and work permit copy (if applicable)
- Others (if applicable)
- Every letter, claim, writ, summons and/or process shall be notified or forwarded to us immediately unanswered
Public Liability
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Requirements & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- A completed claim form with a full description of the incident
- The incident report from you and/or the building manager, witnesses’ statements and details of any remedial action taken, if available
- A copy of the police report, if available
- The third party's name, ID Card No, telephone number and address, if available
- Photographs showing the location of the accident and the extent of injury and/or damage sustained by any third party. Digital photographs are acceptable
- Any third party’s letter, claim, writ, summons and/or process shall be notified or forwarded to us immediately unanswered
B.Useful Notes
- You should not admit liability, assume any obligation, or make any offer or payment without our prior written consent.
Products Liability
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss
Requirements & Notes:
A. Documents / information required for claims submission
- You should immediately report your claim in writing to our claims department, together with all appropriate documents. The following information should be included:
- Policy number
- Description of the product involved
- How, when and where the accident took place
- The names, addresses and contact telephone numbers of the claimant
- The nature and extent of any injury or damage and location of the accident
- If the product is supplied by another company, you should also submit a copy of the purchase contract between you and the supplier, as well as the address, fax number and the insurance details of the supplier
B. Useful Notes
- When you receive a Products Liability claim:
- You should acknowledge receipt of the claimant's or vendor's notification of the claim
- You should not admit liability, assume any obligation, or make any offer or payment without our prior written consent
- If you receive summons or legal papers:
- You should immediately record the specifics of the claim and the date received
- You should not reply, admit liability, assume any obligation, or make any offer or payment without our prior written consent
- You should immediately notify us and send us the original summons and other documents
- You should provide the contact details of your company’s representative
- You should cooperate with our investigation, settlement or defense of the lawsuit
- You should assist us, upon our request, in the enforcement of any right against any person or organization which may be liable to the insured because of the injury or damage to which this insurance may also apply
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.
Requirements & Notes:
Section 1 - Kidnap & Ransom Insurance (For China Trade Package only)
- When an insured incident occurred, you can call AIG International Services Center 24-hour hotline for crisis management consultant services (optional but recommended). They will appoint an individual professional crisis management consultant to provide professional guidance and advice to you as early as possible
- When an accident occurred, you should immediately inform us verbally and in writing according to the terms and contact method in the policy
- If it appears to be in the best interests of the insured, you may inform the incident to the relevant regulatory authorities
Section 2 -Business Travel Insurance
A. Overseas emergency assistance:
China Assist Card
- When you need the following assistance during a covered journey, please call the 24-hour Travel Guard Assistance hotline on +852 3516 8699 by collect call
- Hospital guarantee admission deposit service: you should present the China Assist Card for guarantee admission to the networked hospital
- China lawyers and legal practitioners referral: you should contact our Alarm Centre for China lawyers and legal practitioners referral service
- Emergency cash remittance: you should contact our Alarm Centre for emergency cash remittance service
Emergency Medical Evacuation
As a result of an injury sustained or sickness commencing while you are traveling during a covered journey, you and/or your representative should:
- Receive immediate medical treatments in the local country
- Contact our Alarm Centre and provide the following information:
- The policy number
- Name of the insured
- The location of the insured
- Description of the condition and symptoms of the insured
- Name, address and telephone number of the clinic or hospital and the attending physician's name
- Provide past medical information, diagnosis, name of the usual hospital/clinics/doctor attended by the insured to our Alarm Centre
Repatriation of Remains
In the event of death caused by serious injury or sickness during a covered trip, the insured's representative should:
- Immediately contact our Alarm Centre and provide the following information:
- The policy number
- Name of the insured
- The location of the insured
- Name, address and telephone number of the clinic or hospital the insured had been treated at before death
B. Any claims under the following coverage should have written notification given to our claims department within thirty (30) days after the occurrence of loss:
Medical Expenses
You should provide:
- A completed Claim Form
- Original medical receipt(s) covering itemized charges, date of consultation, medical services rendered, and medicines/drugs prescribed
- Full medical report covering diagnosis/nature of injury and existence of symptoms, etc
Personal Accident Protection
Permanent disablement
If the insured is permanently disabled by accident during the insured journey, you should provide the following documents:
- A completed Claim Form
- Full medical report showing the extent of permanent disablement suffered as a result of the injury
- Police report, if applicable
Inform us immediately when the disability is certified to be permanent and of no further improvement or no further medical treatments will be required
Accidental death
If the insured dies from accident during the insured journey, you should provide the following documents:
- A completed Claim Form
- Police report, if applicable
- Death certificate
- Autopsy or post-mortem or coroner's report
- Grant of probate/letters of administration
Section 3 - Property All Risks Insurance
To make a claim, you should submit the following information and/or documents:
- A completed Claim Form with a full description of the incident
- Photographs showing the extent of the damage; and the point of entry into and exit from the premises (for burglary claims only). Digital photographs are acceptable
- Original police report and/or police statement, police file number, the address of police station, a completed data request form and signed consent form
- Original supporting documents showing the value of the lost/damaged item(s)/cash claimed
- Original repair quotation(s) and/or receipt(s), if the damaged property can be repaired
- Original purchase receipt(s) and replacement quotation(s) and/or receipt(s), if the damaged property needs to be replaced
- For burglary, robbery, deliberate or malicious damage incident, the insured should report the incident to police as soon as possible and request for a copy of the police report and police statement, if available
- Please keep all damaged property available for our inspection upon our request. Do not dispose of any damaged property without our prior written consent
- Upon receipt of all supporting documents, we shall process the claim as soon as possible
Section 4 - Public Liability Insurance
Please provide the following information and/or documents as soon as possible after the occurrence whether a claim has been made against you or not:
- A completed Claim Form with a full description of the incident
- The incident report from you and/or the building manager, witnesses' statements and details of any remedial action taken, if available
- A copy of the police report, if available
- The third party's name, ID card number, telephone number, and address, if available
- Photographs showing the location of the accident and the extent of injury and/or damage sustained by any third party. Digital photographs are acceptable
- Any third party’s letter, claim, writ, summons and/or process shall be notified or forwarded to us immediately unanswered
Note: You should not admit liability, assume any obligation, or make and offer or payment without our prior written consent
Section 5 – Employees' Compensation Insurance
When an injured employee gives notice to you of a work-related accident:
- You should complete and submit the Original Employees’ Compensation Insurance Claim Form to our claims department together with the following:
- Documents Checklist
- Original sick leave certificate(s) with diagnosis
- Original medical expenses receipt(s) with diagnosis, if any
- Medical report, if any;
- Copy of employee register or Social Security Fund contribution lists;
- Injured worker’s identity card copy and work permit copy (if applicable)
- Others (if applicable)
- Every letter, claim, writ, summons and/or process shall be notified or forwarded to us immediately with unanswered
Trade Credit
We recommend that you contact your agent, broker or us immediately with all available information about the loss.