Accidental Death and Disablement Benefit: Compensates the Insured benefit up to a maximum of MOP$1,000,000 against accidental death, total disability and dismemberment within 12 months of an accident.
Accidental Medical Expenses Benefit: Reimburses the Insured for injury sustained through an accident. Provides cover for outpatient, specialist, hospitalization expenses, surgical expenses, Chinese bonesetters and acupuncturists expenses.
Daily cash benefit up to MOP$1,250: We provide a cash benefit of up to MOP $1,250 a day when hospitalized due to illness or accident (up to 365 days)
Double payment if you are in intensive care:
Double daily hospital cash if you are confined to an intensive care unit (up to 30 days)
Extra long-term hospitalization benefit:
You can receive an extra cash benefit of up to 30 days from the 31st day of hospitalization.
A lump sum will be paid to the Insured in the event of diagnosis of any of the 47 specified critical illnesses.
The maximum limit of this cover is MOP$500,000.